Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

Maybe I should eat breakfast

Bad thingies = 5
Good amazing peoples = 14

Myself = one of those ultra amazing peoples

So odds of Marl being bad thingy 5/13

Scumslips priceless :slight_smile:

Everyone who isn’t me is Cult

Wheres my scumslip

No you two are mafia and cult

But you’re mafia

No u

I can’t believe you’ve bussed me

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Marl does it again
Jumps right into a spicy TVS As soon as the game starts

50 percent odds

That’s the wrong way to do math and a way students look at “oh what other groupings are there “ and divide 100 by groups.

Wait are you a math teacher

also we should lynch Marl tommorow since I am converting him tonight


I don’t think the system works

I went to grad school for it
Became a programmer instead

I wish he was

No, you misunderstand Math
I meant OVERALL together I have a 50% success rate of reading you correctly

I’m reading you correctly as scum here
I goofed in mountainous
1/2 = .5
.5 = 50%

And it keeps going down lol

No u

No u first