Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

Tell me MathBlade, in 7 words or less, What is your favorite fruit and why?

Apples because most other fruit is disgusting

Next question in my town survey

In exactly 10 words, why do you think Ashe keeps hosting this game mode?

Because itā€™s simple and we needed games?

wow that isnā€™t 10 words youā€™ve failed

so you find orange disgusting ?


Also the correct answer is
ā€œBecause it is great and multi ball setups are funā€ :^)

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take a look at this

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math only likes apples

The apple :apple: emoji is red.

Math is lockmafia

Thereā€™s no voting d1.

Not the person the food. Cmon man I love everyone on this site as people

Just some are scum that gotta go

I know youre scum but dont go


Oranges are delicious :<

Oh no he is not Merc avatar anymoreā€¦

run orange run

How dare you think fruits are disgusting

is it true that everyone who finds fruits disguting rolls scum every game

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Clearly not I have the scientific evidence to prove it

Tell me a joke.