Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread


livicus seems town.


not using class card as intended? found the scum :thinking:

/confirm as samething everytime


So mafia?

If you can’t convert people ur mafia

Also I think you have gotten the curse so…

wait are you scum reading livi now?


Of course I am

HTM, are you going to tryhard this game or no?

I never tryhard

so no

(also why do I feel if I say “I will tryhard” you will kill me tonight :thinking:)

You tryharded in the first one so

guys I rolled the anytime vig lmaoo who should I shoot tonight

me daddy

ok son

no don’t daddy I just want hugs

if you don’t like silver bullets then your no son of mine

Mafia or cult

i’m the anytime vig lol

I know so shoot mafia or cult