Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

LAMIST is ‘Look at me I’m so town’ and he’s saying he’s town because hes self-conscious as town

WIFOM at its supreme

I think Geyde is scum

no he said he was self concious always.

That’s not LAMIST that’s overly defensive

Well it’s self-meta at least

What is LAMIST

not a wolf tell, it’s overly defensive though which is one.

‘Look at me I’m so Town’

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I like how we are arguing why he is a wolf but we agree he is a wolf

yes, I have my own scumhunting language apparently

I feel like self-meta without acknowledging you’re doing self-meta is an inherently wolfy thing to do

Or at least its a terrible, last-ditch effort to defend yourself. You shouldn’t be self-meta-ing to defend yourself as your first post defending yourself

Aka defensive

A single move from a quirk in how I play and it gets spiraled into an accusation.

Why did it take you so long to type that Geyde?

You aren’t getting accused
You will tomorrow

What do you think about that

1 sentence took over a minute?

Because mobile

In addition with another sentence all about how this play will more often than not backfire

Obligatory wolfy post

Luxy wanna form a town bloc? :wink:

It takes you 1 - 2 minutes to type 10 words on mobile?

I’m not buying it, you were trying to craft a non-wolfy post.