Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

Nononono don’t ping everyone :^)

Ima pocket the host into thinking I’m not scum.

Wait, can you ping everyone? This is a test.

hey man asmr is :ok_hand:

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so wait is everyone a real role

Do you hate it, when you accidentally unlike something as the first like now you are the last like ;-;

I’m only mod not admin, think only Xblade and Bos are admins

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I need a bigger thinking emoji for some of the things people say on these forums…

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You’re doing it wrong. It’s about listening to anime op themes

Okay, so can you get them to do it as a test?

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It’s a test.

1/3 of the time cultist wiffs.


big thonk

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well thats just cringe

I dont even need to think about that

Did you see that time Xblade pinged 2000 people on the discord? That was a fun day in VC

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no I didn’t whjereeeeee

How to Town Slip as Scum:

Be in a game with Wazza and say he is the scum.


is that discussion of ongoing games in my good christian thread? :^)

Nah. Jojo is great to listen to while sleeping, and Food wars. Maybe Goose House as well. The cringe is the nightcore ones :3

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