Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

He was scum in Infection though.

I didnā€™t even notice that

Approach the bartender to get my drinks. Who goes to a bar for chitchat anyways.

He was group scum in infection though, maybe heā€™s the cultist here.

If heā€™s Cultist, then thereā€™s a chance he converted someone last night. If thatā€™s the case, wouldnā€™t he act the same like in Infection?

Well I feel like the original cultist would try and blend in, to not draw nightkills from the mafia, but also stay out of townā€™s eye. Furthermore, remember dead cultist count towards the cult cap, meaning if he is cultist, itā€™s in his best interest to try and survive.


Why would you post this?

Why donā€™t you defend yourself instead of saying ā€˜oh its all a memeā€™

Itā€™s fun to see the theories getting thrown around. Lol

Isnā€™t it more beneficial to try to debunk those theories?

Scummy answer.
Question 2

Question 2:

Choose One of the Following Statements that Relates to you in this current situation.
A) I am scum and my teammates are skilled
B) I am scum and my teammates are bad
C) I am scum and my teammates are bussing me
D) I am scum and Iā€™ve been caught

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Only one of these answers will make you seem towny so choose wisely :thinking:

Iā€™m not sure how to debunk that but I can come up with a theory. You and livicus are scum team and is trying to tunnel any vulnerable active townies to make yourselves seem town.

Livicus? You mean Luxy?

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Oh yeah. Rip reading.

Can you describe how you use the term vulnerable in context to this scenario?

So you canā€™t answer our points all you can do is accuse us?

Also how does tunneling a townie get someone any town credit?