Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

/Vote Squid

I donā€™t even need to explain how that sounded scummy it speaks for itself.

Iā€™m afraid if people start going further with that vote, then Iā€™ll have to out myself and Iā€™ll die either way

Iā€™m calling BS on this. Thereā€™s zero way you would say that this early if you were actually one.

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Lol and youā€™re not a PR youā€™re just scum

You just claimed PR which if you were has the same effect


If you are a PR donā€™t counterclaim
If youā€™re vig still shoot Bazinga
If youā€™re cop donā€™t counterclaim here

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I just want to say right now that yes, Iā€™m a shit player, but I must let you know that I feel like passing out and I realize that I might have too much on my plate. I have too many damn projects to do, so I might as well out myself and who I found. I may not have found Mafia, but I greenchecked someone. I dare someone to hard counter me, I fucking dare you

/vote Squid

My lunch my roommate is getting is Mexican but I donā€™t mind supplementing with a little bit of Squid


Cool, so who did you?

htm, I donā€™t want any potential lurkers here

Iā€™m calling BS on this

Fine, have your braindead Vig shoot me

Again I donā€™t believe you. No cop would be dumb enough to counterclaim you here. If they do then they die
If they die at night itā€™s a conf red on you.

Cop wouldnā€™t say that

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If you are cop stay silent

Squid who is your supposed greencheck on?

I donā€™t like this comment for some reason, it feels off.

I know Iā€™m shit, you can fucking admit that, I know you get off to shit like that

I feel like Iā€™m trying to improve but at the same time, Iā€™m falling into this slump of rookie mistakesā€¦ Iā€™m not worthy to be in a game like this

Itā€™s what Iā€™d expect coming from Town!Waz tbh.

the ate hurts
