Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

Gimme a minute

Uh huh, so would you say my green check for htm is reasonable?

Hey I recognized sarcasm without a /s tag! Progress!


this here

Checking HTM is a hit or miss. If heā€™s active, he isnā€™t that hard to read. The only issue is if heā€™s been slanking for days.

They wanted to out the cop when they were under pressure and appealing to ego.

Thatā€™s why she wants us to rando-shoot someone!

coolā€¦livicus that was obviously sarcasm from squids part. Donā€™t worry about it you get a free ticket to the entrance of a town bloc

How is checking mathblade paranoia here alice

I dunno, under AtE, sarcasm doesnā€™t usually show

but if we suspect her enough ans sheā€™s actually cop, we can get a lot of checks done by avoiding the maf kill

Also why would you ever convert math? Math would 99% die N1 compared to marl.

You tried converting marl


Hey look I found Bazinga here last night.

If she is actually cop he dies tonight soooo itā€™s like problem solved and if scum let cop live they have like a bazillion confirmed town to deal with.

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Well I sure hope they let me live, cause oh boy, Iā€™m gonna find them some day



Sure thing pat pat

I hear howling?

Why do I hear gunshots?

Itā€™s probably marl dying painfully as obvious mafia.

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Might want to get that hearing checked because one of your buddies is doing target practice.

I heard your pet dog is doing well. What does he drink? Tears of the innocent?