Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

I am pretty sure I know who the cop is like really really sure and I am really really sure who the vig is and found the cult and so like this game is lol solved so yeah.

Marl Squid and two others and until and unless something awesome in Luxy ISO he’s a third


Wait, what makes you scumread Luxy

His reactions/play/lack thereof toward Squid and Marl.

Math is kissing Sam’s ass, change my mind (Oh god, I can already feel the pissy squid coming out)

What? Can you explain more?

I’ve literally have been pushing marl but ok

I am not but even if I was ass kissing isn’t alignment indicative you can push this but you’ll be cleaning egg off your face for weeks.

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Only after I fos’d you

It’s a bus for cred

Also squid thought bin was mafia so if squid flips scum that spews bin town IMO

Already said that. Got anything original?

Cause I’d totally bus marl :thinking:

math they are obviously townie, read their last 30 posts and you will see they are obviously townie.

Yes you would

I was the one who got squid to say bin was mafia

Lol and how did you do this pray tell?

MathBlade is seriously deluded or scum because I don’t like his logic tbh

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Oh yeah, and you’re gonna be pushing for Calamari when you realize that I’m not going to die tonight cause acting scummy as Cop is the true meta for survival, but a perfect ingredient for Mafia Mislynch Soup

…Marl was already pushing OTB hard. I don’t see OTB being scum based on Marl’s interaction.

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Also marl would never bus in a setup like this unless he was perfectly setup in a position to do that. Change my mind
