Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

I said it many times, he’s scum that’s trying too hard

Who did you check N1?

Then you won’t mind checking Luxy right?

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@Kirefitten You said you would give me a list of possible checks but you haven’t given it to me. Explain

Htm, and it’s so obvious that they didn’t check htm.

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Hey can the vigilante shoot someone already? I want to stop checking this thread

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uh hold on.

htm since he usually doesn’t do anything and could become a possible lurker

just mute it

He was NS?

You’re fine to stop open culting you’ve met the post activity meter or just make gifs of cults or something

And this clears htm, htm is lock Town and you are lock scum.


Yes, he was

sigh Bin’s the only one left with a fucking brain it seems

Your stubbornness will cause us to lost the game
Imo. If squid flips cop, Ur next on the chopping block

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We save them for last my dude

Let me ask you all this: How will you react when I flip Cop? And don’t answer with “You’re not going to flip Cop, so stfu”, that’s dodging the question

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You are not going to flip cop, so shut up

I believe you are cop

Nah. Firekitten is always right.

We lynch squid at LYLO