Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

Shh you enlightened thinker needs to keep to himself more

Actually we would. With no cult they can’t lie.

You’re assuming I’m scum when I’m a fucking PR role and nobody else is saying shit about it. Nobody listens with an open mind and it makes me feel fucking dead inside.


We wouldn’t though, they are obviously not cop and would WIFOM thair checks, however maybe we can use assosication reads we get from them stating their checks to finding the mafia.

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@Ashe Please, end my misery, let them see the error of their ways

Imho, kitten is Mafia trying to get pr exed.

I know right I’ve been telling these meatheads mathblade is mafia but nobody listens to me. If I ever got cop like you they wouldn’t listen to me too it’s pretty good.

Yeah merk mathblade asap agreed

Have thou reread the thread?

Nope improvisation is all I need

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End this idiocy, I’m already starting to feel like I’m a piece of shit

I lack the required :man_facepalming:

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checks mod pm to make sure I actually converted mathblade

Turn off you electric thign you are using right now. Clear your head and reread the thread your head is clearly too stuffed with anger and hate to think like an enlightened thinker

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Realizes you converted math and failed

Sorry your role pm was red

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You mean Marl yeah.

I meant marl

This is just like Triple Threat 2 where everyone calls me lockscum for trying to improve. I want to improve without being called scum for motherfucking once

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