Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

marl life is good playing chess

No vig shoots outed scum Marl :slight_smile: Then we lynch Bazinga who indeed claimed cult

Is life so dear or living so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chess and kittens? Forbid it, Almighty Ashe! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me a Firekitten lynch or give me death!


give you death and reread the thread you idiot. Do I need to put it more bluntly

Donā€™t forget Math :smiley:

10/2 defense. Votes kitten another time

math help

you see why would i reread the thread when i can make parodies of various speeches pushing a lynch that i only partially believe in

I entangled myself in playing chess

itā€™s much more fun to play chess

Otb we lynch Bazinga our life becomes infinitely easier. Kitten is fine. :slight_smile:

It looks like I have you in check Kitten

lol. you wish

Kitten, wouldnā€™t lynching an openwolf now give more time to find the scum more hidden? I would have expected a vote on me from you, but you wanting to kill me at Lylo is very odd as youā€™re really depending on me to get lynched at Lylo to have the Mafia win. Killing an openwolf right away would lower the chance of reaching Lylo

Youā€™re right
I have you in checkmate

you are obviously getting shoot tonight by the vigilante, so you donā€™t even have to worry about getting night killed by mafia.

And squid is so obviously mafia we are lynching them at LYLO

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Marl is the thing you are afraid of I think. Pretty sure tbh it made sense when I was reading the thread


It keeps our PRs hidden and forces scum to kill you if town rather than the slipped vig.

Tbh they both are scum. And besides, cult canā€™t increase their numbers past 4. (Including dead ones)