Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

nice post, doesn’t give you vig points :slight_smile:

going to work i’ll actually read the thread and update my chart when i get back

Thank you wolf marl

Yeah invite me for chess more often it is actually fun

/vote Sheldon from the Big Gang Theory (AKA Bazingaboy)
until i get back

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No more charts please

Those are bonafide scum claims :stuck_out_tongue:

Me + Charts is the OTP
You cannot seperate me from my lover

You do you but I don’t consent to all the chart spam you have a scum pt put it there

mafia lover :slight_smile:


Brainwashed by society no longer, I shall fight for true justice.
The voices around me can control me no longer!

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mafia squid how nice of you to join us, vote Baz.

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Have you resulted to communism?

@Geyde say something

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He is dead my dude, yeah I saw that like

Tf he dead

Wait why is he liking then

Stop liking that’s bad I thought you were alive

Good question tfw you turn away and miss it

If you expect me to be Mafia, then why don’t you call out everyone that’s been agreeing with me to be Mafia? You haven’t mentioned one person that has sided with me and that’s where I draw the line on hypocrisy

What did Geyde like?