Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

Well those are two inherently anti-town statements

A mod will never give permission to modkill this shows you are in control to ask. Youā€™re still clearly mafia

And thatā€™s your opinion, youā€™re welcome to hold it.

@PoisonedSquid Sorry if I hurt your feelings, just know thatā€™s itā€™s nothing personal.

Can yā€™all fucking shut up?

Is nice chess a thing? I canā€™t imagine it tbh. Non enlightened people are having a poor time tbh

Sorry what?

U can always go to other forum threads

If there is nice chess I want to learn how

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Fine, Iā€™ll post the result Iā€™ve gotten and modkill myself.
Iā€™m sorry for being a terrible person and I just want to be free from this pain and suffering. If you get mad at me, Iā€™m sorry, but my mind canā€™t take much more of this any longer

Yeah weā€™ll watch Noz talk to himself in a separate thread. /s

A mod wonā€™t give permission to do a modkillable action

Generally a player with rage to do it just does it and loses control. Squid asked though. This means while a majority of their anger is likely justified and real they are in control of it so they are Mafia.

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My dude. When do we end the game. Modkills May ruin the users experience

This is quickly turning into a battle of egos imo. This isnā€™t FM, itā€™s a fucking dick measuring contest. Letā€™s all try to look at this objectively and not be blinded by ego. Ok?



If Squid flips town then FK better be the next on the block.


Iā€™ll take this bet

If squid and or marl flips town.

Lynch me

Only if we lynch at lylo