Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

There’s only one chart we need here.

I made that chart too

Eh, I assumed that you were town solely on the associations between Marl and you, with the assumption Marl flipped scum.


You can show that one :^)

Don’t we all have a pdf of it stashed away

Remind me to make a chart next game.

I have a general fuck leashes on confirmed town roles unless newbies. I say that as any alignment or role

Goes into the archives of meta reading for future use :smile:

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Really, the folder?

At least I got Bazinga

One PR for an entire team was worth

Just getting him to claim I am Mafia and not mislynched was rough

Sorry Bazinga :slight_smile: but you seriously did Cult slip

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I feel bad for Baz though

I know how it feels to be the only cult left when you’re a prime suspect

Why didn’t you just shoot him?

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Could’ve lynched otb

value to lynch cult and cut off their roots

Yeah I felt bad I pushed him I just was devoting all of my emotional effort to that and then Squid and I thought I had it solved

I hope you can forgive me Squid

Taking all bets on who wins Marl vs MathBlade round 4


doesn’t count when it’s a tvt

Poll pls

Because Marl is too competent of a scum player. When I thought there was a red for Alice I had to give cover

I had a shot in when Alice was afk but rescinded it when shit hit the fan