Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

Gom play Boss and gib SFoL28 levels of tryhardiness

Ashe how much do I need to convince you to put a title as a reward


Maybe this game Iā€™ll actually defend myself.



title machine broke


wait can all cultists simultaneously recruit?

nah itā€™s only 1/night

watching you guy mislynch each other are more fun :wink:

/join cause thereā€™s finally a new FM for once

Uhh I have a very important question

Can we also talk about how this setup is close to unwinnable for Town if the vig dies N1

define new :^)

Cult in the Jungle. 3. Totes new.

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Can every cultist convert every night or is it a factional recruit?

kanye townbloc?

Town won last time right?

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factional, thatā€™s why I reworded it slightly a minute ago :^) (aka The Cult instead of you at the start)

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Thereā€™s barely any FMs Iā€™m in cause Iā€™m dead or theyā€™re over