Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

I think that’s the first smart thing you’ve said all game

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Hey there.

Uhmmm I am an Aspie

Expecting me to get a joke is folly


No the first smart thing i’ve said all game is “You are scum”

Who needs facts to make an accusation?

Alright, so I just got back from the clinic. Turns out it’s just a cold -_-

mathblade needs

How much you willing to bet you’re wrong? I bet my life.

no one is scum

/vote Marl

It’s time

I won’t let the scum kill me, I’ll off myself first!

Don’t nerf this

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Voting your only Lock-Town


/me hugs

I has lots of cold meds if you get to Cali

I have a PHD in gamethrowing

/hugs but backs away don’t poison me, thanks.

I am the only who mastered that art

I’ve got Mucinex which was recommended, so I’ll be fine
Thanks for the offer though

Get well soon