Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

Day 2 Begins
Cult tried to convert MathBlade
Scum tried to shoot MathBlade
Mathblade was town

Calling it now XD

I will continue to say I’m vig until I get shot

nah I am definetly more valuable target than u

Go for it :stuck_out_tongue:
I think you’re town but not vig so the vig should love you for it if they are a smart vig

If we have a dumb vig uh oh :frowning:

It’s you

we all know that everyone wants to convert me



Hjasik you are always scum or cult day 1

You act more and more like your role PM the more the days progress :stuck_out_tongue:

but I am neutral killer so no

Which one? Serial Killer? Reaper?

What? You mean I am scum? /s


I am the Data Miner

puppet master


༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ·︻̷┻̿═━一I’VE GOT THE VIG IN MY SIGHTS


Delet this comment


Dehumanizing my culture

Idek anymore