Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

What is this festival

sips tea I love you, Mr. Vig

The Calm Before the Storm



I see youā€™re a Revolutionary, I like that

i want to die inside please end me

anytime vig please end this man before he descends further into madness

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So do I, Iā€™m coughing so hard that Iā€™m afraid Iā€™m going to dislocate a shoulder

Iā€™m not insane your insane mafia scum

How dare you ask the vig to shoot himself! Begone scum!

InsaniTEA. BA dum tss

Iā€™m going to shoot you for that pun

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@Alice and @Sam17z still need to /confirm.

(no pressure :p)


No pressure @Alice and @Sam17z

there is every kind of pressure if you donā€™t confirm you get slaughtered in your sleep by the vengeful mod

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Marl, you need to fix your game. ToL crashed and it wouldnā€™t let me reconnect

TIL Marl made ToL :^)


Marl = i42 staff confirmed

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Marlā€™s XBlade and youā€™re Discotea, remember?

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Here comes the long post choo choo

This debacle. In this part, I made actions that only caused the escalation of the situation

This viewpoint would come from a player who was mainly focusing on ā€˜the reaction testā€™ that was assumed from seeing the vote on me.

With an improper assessment of the situation, I call out the comment as a reaction test, which my prior sentence addressed the viewpoint of.

After Luxy calling my post scum, I go full tilt, naturally. Like a child who wrongfully assumed they were right about something, proceeding to throw a fit.

Oh jeez, this is trash.

This point was brought up in almost every game Iā€™ve been in. That Iā€™m overly self conscious.

The way I phrased what I said resulted in a comment scummier than all hell.

I completely agree with the point Luxy makes here and I have nothing but regrets for acting out of tilt rather than thought uwu.

My tilt, frustration at self, and general disappointment in written form.

To think I, ā€œa good playerā€, would get lynched for something completely unreasonable. This was my thought pattern

I implore whoever the vig is to not shoot me. Please, donā€™t do it.