Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

You’re saying Bazinga is memeing yeah? How are you sorting him despite that? Question to both of you.

Seems normal baz town AI tbh

Yeah i think you’re town. For now.

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I agree. It’s a main thought of Marl scum. I think I can figure why scum didn’t shoot me. But not shooting Marl is odd.

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Baz was the first one to point it out however, so he may be the big balls mafia going for mislynches on marl and math :man_shrugging:

I doubt it tho

I think he’s big balls Cult actually.

Cult cant kill tho


Use thy brain.

Can’t, gotta go shower, brb.

/accuse mathblade

Uh huh good luck with that. Going to bed here in a bit.

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Lol don’t worry bazinga. Ur next on the chopping block.


Bazinga you ever gonna do those read things? No? No? Damn

Didn’t realize open wolfing/cutting started so soon for you

Culting * fuck autocorrect

I already posted my reads and your insistence of me being cult makes me believe I struck black gold

It’s a joke
If you honestly think i’m going to open claim PR you’re out of your mind

They think they can mislynch me

@Alice let em try

You posted mafia reads. Alas you haven’t mentioned potential cult. And your suggested team is too small. And who are you lock towning? No you haven’t posted reads. You’re pushing a narrative.