Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

From previous experience I am expecting to be suspected purely due to my lack of voting but in time, y’all will see that it’s just how I roll.

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Pacifist route? Lol

That’s how I play brohiem.

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Yeah, Sam17z
That’s why i want him shot

But why Sam17z ahead of the other inactives?

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Inactive scum teammate and possible bus?

be marl
See’s inactive teammate
Busses inactive teammate
Get town cred

because he has said literally nothing since his confirmation message

and i do mean literally nothing

GamerPoke, the spectator, has more posts in this thread

currently going by my chart you’re the person the majority of people want shot
Why shouldn’t the anytime vigilante shoot you?

Oh you meant that outdated chart? The one that you, a possible scum have made?

I can make a new chart too if you want

From page stalking I see that Sam17z posted in another game barely an hour before this one started. So he better get back in here freaking soon because who sleeps for more than 12 hours (other than me).

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Lmao great investigative work.

Wolfy post

Oh right that reminds me so Marl how many votes before you reveal what your grand scheme is for asking for the vig shoots.

Hi there. Nice of you to drop by after being inactive for so long.

Welcome back kitty! Pats.

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Doubt he has any. Lol. If he is the vigilante I’m gonna flip.

You what
Literally all i’ve done is collect from people who they want to be shot
How can it possibly be falsified? Paranoid much?