Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

Okay this was the post I was talking about. I went to where geyde typed that long post and looked at the posts after it because I could have sworn luxy was still scumreading but apparently they didn’t respond till afterwards.

However the post that he said

I don’t really see what would make them stop scumreading him from this post. @Luxy can you explain why you weren’t scumreading him after this post.

What’s your Marl read Kitten?

I think he’s null right now but I’m leaning town.

People that are scumreading him for doing a fancy chart then stating he wants to shoot sam have no idea what he’s doing, just let him do his thing and he will explain when everyone has chosen their shots. My read will form after that IMO.

also this reminds me @Alice what do you think of everything so far.

Also I have decided I’m going to try to listen to eevees advice starting now in this game

Also reading people’s post on computer then replying on phone is like 10x much easier

Why do you “lean town”?

And I disagree with letting Marl do his thing. That lead to OW suicides and similar “leave him alones” were given to me and I ended up dead. It’s also making the thread nigh on impossible to read on mobile.

I meant leave him be till he does his shot thing. Basically, give him your preferred shot as soon as possible.

Also Town lean cause I know where he’s going with this

I think the wagons should be Bazinga and Marl today. His shot thing is remarkably antitown for reasons I have stated before. He could continually ask for the same effect then post the results rather than spamming. I think he wants to look like effort versus doing any and seeing where reads fall before pushing anything.

There is no reason to make the game unreadable for mobile players. If someone wants the chart they can ask Marl. He can build it elsewhere.

Math the shot thing will be explained after everyone gives it to him. I’m convinced I know where he’s going with this. Basically, just get everyone to give him his shots so we can see it.

Also I want a Baz shot

Aka the chart is useless if not completed

And I am not and this is distinctly different than town Marl. Until he explains I am staunchly against it. If he gave some kind of reads and played in addition to the chart that would be better but right now he is a whole lotta ewww similar to overwatch where he never gave reads and focused on his ult all day. This contrasts with the mountainous where he gave lots of reads. So if he plays he can do his chart thing in private and not spam the thread. I want contributing Marl. If he has to be wagoned so he can be sorted so be it because right now I think he is scum and “leave him alone” ain’t good enough.

I see your point @Marluxion should give reads and do the chart.

I’m just asking don’t make him quit doing the chart, I want to see where he goes with it and if I’m right.

I am not making him quit doing the chart.

He should quit spamming the chart. He can pressure players still to get their answers. Just posting it needlessly is clutter. If someone wants it they can ask for it. The chart unless he explains is only proMarl. You have an idea on how you might use it but I don’t see a protown use. When it’s done then post it.

Reads and chart. His chart cannot be the new ult.

Top two shots Bazinga and Marl. Kitten is opposite scum type of Bazinga or town. No way Bazinga or Kitten are same team. Gut says Bazinga cult Marl Kitten scum. Especially since he is not reading what I am saying.

My chart will be posted as many times as necessary when it’s updated

Catchup with the chart and what people have posted, I’m going for someone controversial to get shot up to the vig’s discretion.

I’m gonna say to them to shoot Marl, or if they shoot otb, I’m voting Marl. This is try hard Marl right now from what I can see from Ritual re-roll making an attempt to be town read while in fact, I believe that he is scum.

Since he is more try hard at the moment, what I’m thinking that rather than Mafia, Marl is in fact Cult since they get only four converts the whole game if I remember correctly

Wait since when did I become shot material

Otb is the shot today

I read what you said, that’s literally why I said I agree with what you said. However I don’t want him shot till after he finishes the chart and tell us what it’s purpose was.

Much as Marl is likely scum (disagree on cult) Bazinga is an infinitely better shot. Bazinga is pretty much open culting atm. I think he failed to convert and if we can eliminate Cult early then it becomes much more townsided

It’s more the fact that you created this chart in attempt to make it seem like you’re very townie.

This is the try hard Marl I’m seeing right now. Making it look like that he is town and gain very easy town cred, especially directing people to the chart at all times. This is making me very weary of you