Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

I don’t get the logic of this part.

Then you my dear would be Cult in that case.

That makes me even more confused.


The way you are insisting Bazinga is Mafia despite the Cult slips to the contrary means you are likely either

A> Cult who tried to convert and failed
B> Mafia who wants to keep cultist alive.

If he flips scum then you’re too insistent because you know reality versus being able to look at things objectively.

Hell even Wolfy sees it and unless it’s the same Wolfy Kittens are not usually dense.

I somewhat can see it through the quick skims.

To me, the actions are slightly the same as Marl, except slightly weaker right now since he seems to be making opinions rather than pushing, while Marl is violently putting suggestions forward like the shot chart. I could potentially see it as the second option more however, as the shot chart Marl created seems to make more sense for Cult!Marl

This doesn’t make sense, I said I want him to be shot.

And second of all the reason I think he’s more likely to flip mafia is because mafia are more likely to do that IMO. Cultlist don’t want to be killed early on because that’s bad for them, and mafia want to kill townies early on if you understand what I’m saying.

Also where are these cultlist slips.

I couldn’t find these “cult slips”

It’s because he doesn’t talk Cult and townreads
It’s a clear slip of cult. He’s not looking at it from all angles.

And yes you said you want him shot but by saying other people are likely Cult you’re trying to convince the vig to shoot elsewhere when today we have a chance of potentially wiping out Cult. However if no cult flip today then vig focuses on mafia and cult simultaneously.

what? I literally told the vig to shoot him

if I wanted to convince the vigilante to shoot somewhere else I would of told him I don’t think he’s likely cult shoot someone else and hang Baz. I said shoot him, because he flips scum either way.

Also you are saying if he flips scum I’m scum either way.

Yes you did. But by saying others could be Cult you’re actively trying to stop the vig from shooting likely cult Bazinga


That’s not how this works

If I wanted him to shoot somewhere else I would have told the vigilante to leave Baz alone and shoot shoot someone else.

It is for me. I gotta go.


if he flips mafia you are a cultist who doesn’t want any cult getting shot and wants easy Town credit cause you failed a convert on Baz.

If he flips cult you are mafia because you knew he was cult instead of mafia.

That’s literally the logic that you are throwing at me but backwards. Just take a step back and look at the logic you are throwing out, you are literally doing the same thing I’m doing but calling it cult instead of mafia.

I don’t really take that as a cultist slip at all.

Well imho you’re wrong

Assume Marl and Bazinga are both conf baddies who have flipped.

Where would you go next to find scum?

Do not challenge the assumption I want you to start there.