Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

Because according to Livi, Mafia and Cult have different playstyles. I don’t agree with that, but if he’s going by that logic, then Livi and Bin could be different scum due to their separate styles

/Vote Squid

I don’t even need to explain how that sounded scummy it speaks for itself.

I’m afraid if people start going further with that vote, then I’ll have to out myself and I’ll die either way

I’m calling BS on this. There’s zero way you would say that this early if you were actually one.

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Lol and you’re not a PR you’re just scum

You just claimed PR which if you were has the same effect


If you are a PR don’t counterclaim
If you’re vig still shoot Bazinga
If you’re cop don’t counterclaim here

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I just want to say right now that yes, I’m a shit player, but I must let you know that I feel like passing out and I realize that I might have too much on my plate. I have too many damn projects to do, so I might as well out myself and who I found. I may not have found Mafia, but I greenchecked someone. I dare someone to hard counter me, I fucking dare you

/vote Squid

My lunch my roommate is getting is Mexican but I don’t mind supplementing with a little bit of Squid


Cool, so who did you?

htm, I don’t want any potential lurkers here

I’m calling BS on this

Fine, have your braindead Vig shoot me

Again I don’t believe you. No cop would be dumb enough to counterclaim you here. If they do then they die
If they die at night it’s a conf red on you.

Cop wouldn’t say that

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If you are cop stay silent

Squid who is your supposed greencheck on?

I don’t like this comment for some reason, it feels off.

I know I’m shit, you can fucking admit that, I know you get off to shit like that

I feel like I’m trying to improve but at the same time, I’m falling into this slump of rookie mistakes… I’m not worthy to be in a game like this

It’s what I’d expect coming from Town!Waz tbh.

the ate hurts