Cult In The Jungle Republic Threeroll - Mafia Wins!

Is MathBlade scum in every single game you play lol

Heā€™s not scum in every game but you can bet that heā€™s convert immune in some form or another

Bazinga has the case of always scum reading me yet I am never scum. Heā€™s the new Citrus

No but in this case heā€™s scum because they left marl alive assuming Iā€™d go after marl and not mathblade because everything revolves around me

Tbh Marl has fallen to the sheepiness of Alice and Litten

although man it looks like scum are afraid of them

But the real issue here is I canā€™t tell whether mafia or the vig shot Alice or Litten

Theres more mafia to find then cult rn, so letā€™s figure out who starting scum are for now, hmm?

/vote Twi For now

Dislike her focus on finding a potential 1 man cult to a 4 man strong Mafia.

what about the people sheeping her opinion, wasnā€™t it you who focused on the cult to begin with?

I explained that it is Naive to potentially think Cult could be gone, including that Alice was cult.

Idk if she hit someone immune, or tried to convert FK. Cult could be dead or alive atm.

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Yeah, CITJR ended with a cult steamroll after this exact situation happened

I think you may be Cult.

Be on later to explain why.

I can already start to see your reasoning

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Let me just say that it is impossible for me to be cult

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I will judge for myself later when I get home but I like that response :wink:

Eh? Im pretty sure I didnā€™t say we should focus on finding potential Cultist.
There one thing for sure and thatā€™s killing potential Cultist is pernamently removing one of the threats.

Nah it may be an empty goose chase.

Letā€™s just find people we scumread regardless of type lynch them. Rinse wash repeat eliminate the scums.

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That Contradicts this then:

You state that you would rather Find a Potential Cultist, who cant convert tonight, Over a full team Mafia?

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it could be. We have no idea atm.

No, I said what would be the best for us. That would be the luckiest draw.
You canā€™t deny the best thing that could happen is killing last potential Cultist And kill Mafia.