Finally someone ain’t treating me like shit aaaaaaaaa
He seemed really content by a time, small birdlike jumps and things like that.
“On two legs like Unnok and talk like Unnok”
“Oh, them? They’re alright. They can repeat what you say, strangely enough.”
“They can also copy tone of voice. That’s the strange part”
Me and Bug Bertha will never betray each other.
That’s why machines are superior to humans!
Beruk stares off into the distance, transitioning into a somber tone by comparison.
“Does it ever get lonely?”
“Unnok never seen Ken-Koo before. Unnok likes it though.”
The large man scratches his head.
“Unnok would like to see family and friend again. It has been long time since last talk with Bo-Ra-Bo. Unnok miss making drinks with Uzdir too.”
“When was the last time you talked to them Unnok?”
“Unnok not really remember. Has been long time though. Many turns of sun and moon.”
The bird boy listened, quietly.
“What would you do to them in response?”
Beruk cracks a smile. He remembered a simpler time, where things weren’t always so hectic.
“Do you want me to teach you some functional manner of speech? Because it’s clearly showing with your struggle to communicate with us that you can’t quite fully articulate yourself.”
He nodded, even if the nature of the comment seemed offensive
“Ergghhh… There is a magic item wich lets you understand languages at will. Much less bother then learning them all would be learning how to forge it.”
“Ooh, maybe Unnok can use too. People say Unnok speak like child of four years.”
He said some random thing in elfic, the voice of a girl with a heavy human accent
“I’ve surmised the nature of your speech pattern to be as such: memorizing the tone of how someone speaks, which then can be applied to any words that are spoken from all sources. Simple phrases such as ‘thank you’ and ‘I got this’ may serve you well in that regard.”
Beruk looks up.
“You’re an interesting case, one that fascinates me despite all the frustrations. Over a longer period of time you may eventually become somebody with a limitless amount of potential.”
“The case here is slightly different. It’s not about the language, it’s about the words used.”
He has repeated exactly what you have said again (after the looks up), using the same voice of the old guy as before.
He looked in you curiously.
“Have you been like this for your entire life? Say ‘yes’ or ‘no’.”