Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

my discord is fine i was wondering where you went lol

@Alice is cafeteria going to be public info or are you making a DM?

It’s public, it just closes randomly to prevent people from becoming ICs just for staying here.

im gonna sit here and become an ic, you’re all cringe

as the ultimate locksmith i will unlock the doors

In other words, having an alibi isn’t as easy as saying “I was in the cafeteria”.

my internet is being so weird

it’s not loading like 50% of sites I try to log into

marshal is about to make an announcement

@marshal does it involve any hedgehogs

many hedgehogs

lots of piss

oh god oh fuck

It sounds like a problem on your end here. My internet is working fine.


So as I have told all of you, i’m the ultimate necromancer.

See, I don’t just have my abilities. I started the game with information (that I was forced not to share)

The info is this


We are not the first ones in this area. Hundreds of souls are sensed. The mastermind is not just any student. They have tormented many many other groups before us. (I presume there are bodies in the morgue and graveyard that corroborate this fact).

I do, however, sense corrupted souls in the area. My information is that every player up until now besides 1 wildcard is a Normal Participant. Or at the very least, the mastermind can pick the traitor(s)? and wildcard (s)? from the avaliable persons during prolouge. I am ineligible to be selected for this.

I was disallowed from sharing this information but now that daily life has started, new roles have been handed out for whoever was chosen. The mastermind got to choose who the traitors and everyone were, so people you trust now may no longer be trustworthy.

So, re-evaluate who you trust and who you don’t.

Tl;Dr: 1 wildcard exists already and has existed. Mastermind gets to assign at least 1 wildcard role/wincon and at least 1 traitor role/wicon to other people during prolouge.

I got this info because of lore behind my role being able to sense death and corrupted souls and etc.

BY THE WAY: if anyone gains access to a bone of any sort I should be able to prove my status as the ultimate necromancer as one of my abilities has to do with bones


(I prewrote this, later down ik alice said it would all be randed in the OG thread but I assume she meant just the MM and WC or changed her mind)

I fucking called it

i mean i already claimed to be a wildcard so :flushed:

thats basically it

and why I didn’t want people to immediately go off in to groups because someone has become a traitor

and someone has become a WC

so ayaya

so Mastermind already existed?

wait so like

you mean the mm is converting


mastermind already existed

they got to choose their traitor(s? it wasn’t clear) and assign a person a wildcard role or people wilcard roles

If you’re played Danganronpa: Trigger Happy, the MM did have a traitor among the group.

so I assume MM/Agent/1 WC were in play?