Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

Which means, therefore, that the only way AT can be the kiler is if Insanity specificially is a traitor.

Wait a minute, TL contradicts that!

and how?

Right when TL entered he made a throwaway comment about leaving CRich and PKR in there with you. Not to mention you didn’t enter the lab again to find the body with TL.

I’m a bit confused. Could you explain this in more exact terms?

As TL entered the lab and found the bodies, he said that he left ATNoName in there with CRich and PKR.

I haven’t removed myself from the lab chat, but I checked and TL said "why did you leave him there.

At what time?

Also the only reason why I didn’t enter the lab was I was sleeping IRL.

I don’t know, he never said a time, around 2020-09-25T04:12:00Z though as that was the time of the BDA.

The weird part is TL did say he was gonna drag me to the lab, but when the time came, he didn’t.

I… still don’t get it???

This doesn’t seem to be a contradiction

My guy he’s saying that he left ATNoName alone in the lab with them and not with him.

Anyway, I believe I should state one thing.

The murder times prove at least one of these scenarios are true:

  • CRich couldn’t see anything so nothing happened to him yet.
  • CRich murdered PKR and then was murdered himself. (Doubtful due to the same murder weapon being used)
  • CRich entered after PKR was murdered and then was murdered.

Well, 1. is literally the same thing as 3., which is probably what happened.
And 2. is impossible because he was the Future Foundation Agent, the one person who could never become Blackened.

who the fuck is them and who the fuck is him
speak clearly

them meaning both PKR and CRich

him meaning only PKR

Right, but there is only one blackened in this case, and AT seems to be clear by the evidence of the screams.

holy fuck do I need to keep dissecting this for you?

TL claims he left ATNoName with PKR and CRich and didn’t bring him back outside. Him being ATNoName.

at what fucking time