Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

We did, TL stayed behind and the place had smoke everywhere. Why did you think me or CRich couldn’t find PKR?

Taken from the story FMPOV:
PKR screamed at 2020-09-25T03:12:00Z and then 2020-09-25T03:15:00Z

assuming someone didn’t somehow end up in the lab without us knowing

i can’t easily find EST from there

I used calendar time and it’s EST for me

so 11:12 EST and 11:15 EST

but insanity placed PKR’s death at exactly 11:08

so in other words
either insanity is the killer, which is impossible, or
those screams didn’t come from PKR

now there should be a possibility Alice delayed it.

there shouldn’t

So you heard PKR’s scream 4 minutes after?

Don’t assume moderrors.

Alice will always give you the exact time if you ask for it.

timestamps are important in this game
lolmoderrors don’t count

So now the question becomes, if the two screams didn’t come from PKR, who did they come from?

It was already unlikely that PKR was able to scream twice, what with his throat being eviscerated by the second blow, and thus probably unable to scream, but since the screams took place at 11:12 and 11:15, four and seven minutes after PKR’s death respectively, that means that the screams came from the killer. I think my logic works out there?

Either that or ATNoName is lying about the screams. However I don’t see a talent that can fake a scream.

that would also mean Insanity was lying

as well as TL

The screams was what got us to enter the lab the second time. Otherwise we would’ve just move on with our lives