Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

None of the kunai missed.

ahh right, you probably weren’t there but I did tell you how I found the lab right?

Huh? The one on the left apparently missed PKR since the left side of his neck wasn’t sliced.

Trochi misread their results, or mole fucked up. The right side of his neck was sliced, and that one created a perfect trajectory into the wall.

Still super fucking weird that PKR was lacerated.

One would need a precise throwing skill to do that.

And would it match where the kunai was found anyway ._.

Also, let me make a quick diagram here.

Not really, the side of your neck has a lack of anything solid. You can push against it right now and see. It would’ve directly tore through his skin and hit the wall no matter what.

However, you are correct, I re-looked at my investigation results and both Kunai knives were bloody. (The ones in the wall)

I guess you did, but please refresh my memory.

basically I flipped over the tatami mat and the entrance was found.

He was specifically lacerated on the neck, presumably meaning it made a deep cut across the side of his neck.

Where was this? In the Edo Castle, correct?

yes you are correct

But the kunai could not have been thrown through the door, and I will demonstrate why.

That’s what I’m assuming right now, it tore through the side of his neck since nothing was there to prevent it.

Go on. I mean, I don’t exactly believe it anyway since I’m assuming it’s a staircase into there, but y’know.

Also could you tell us when we (individually) did leave the lab Insanity?

In my investigations, I found the wall opposite PKR to be completely bare- no door. Let me draw you a diagram of the room to show why the geometry there doesn’t work.

Player Location at Time of Death Confirmed By…
Insanity Edo Castle ATNoName, TrustworthyLiberal
DatBird Garden Icibalus
Wazza Arboretum Amelia, Apprentice, Centuries, Gorta
Marshal x x
Gorta Arboretum Amelia, Apprentice, Centuries, Wazza
Amelia Arboretum Apprentice, Centuries, Gorta, Wazza
Trochilidae x x
Icibalus Garden DatBird
TrustworthyLiberal Edo Castle ATNoName, Insanity
Katze Unconscious Unconscious
Italy Bungalow x
Centuries Arboretum Amelia, Apprentice, Gorta, Wazza
ATNoName Edo Castle Insanity, TrustworthyLiberal
Apprentice Arboretum Amelia, Centuries, Gorta, Wazza

@Marshal @Trochilidae
You two have a lack of an alibi.

@Italy @katze
You two have a lack of a confirmed alibi.

Troch told me he was at Bungalow and Marshal was saying what he discovered at the SE island