Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

did you shower

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this is outdated, AT almost certainly did kill CRich

is there more you want to discuss in all seriousness

aside from the scream and PKR’s time of death being kinda weird

I don’t see how anyone is Blackened besides AT without an incredibly strong stealth ability

I mean there is mole from DR1

also fuck if i know

if yall didnt find me in the temple then i can’t really help you

Of course

Mole was the mastermind

Mole was the Mastermind

And the Mastermind can’t become Blackened

mole was the mastermind though

and i tihnk part of that ability was to spy on conversations which the MM now has a camera for

i think it has something to do with the strange angle of the kunai leading to lacerations
but i also think it’s, very, very strange that we don’t know where the kunai came from

I mean

CRich was killed in the smoke right?

AT somehow would have had to notice Crich go unconscious but not even notice the presence of another person in the room

which is

Weirdddd man

tbh my best guess on that is that the killer is a Traitor

and came strapped with early weapons to punish an Agent outing right away

At No Name having a game of throw knife with dad PKR
gone wrong

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did crich out to anyone

nah he was the most stubborn with claim

You can only attempt to steal once a day, quit it would you.

You aren’t having it back.

i find it strange that the search action AT claims to have submitted failed, but to be fair, action submission is a small bit shonky in this game (no offense hosts, I’ve hosted DR, it’s really fucking hard)


how likely do you think it is that the kill was targeted to specifically crich?

no idea

thats all i have to say wazza, you are being very non gamer