Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

Did the smoke bombs go off before or after PKR’s death?

That I do not know

anyway, while I was sleeping, I realized a potential candidate for murder.

But first, I need to TL one question

Aren’t we aware of the exact time of PKR’s death thanks to @Insanity, and the exact time the smoke bombs went off?


Why do you have a chemist case in your inventory?

Player Location at Time of Death Confirmed By…
Insanity x x
DatBird x Icibalus
Wazza Arboretum Amelia, Apprentice, Centuries, Gorta
Marshal x x
Gorta Arboretum Amelia, Apprentice, Centuries, Wazza
Amelia Arboretum Apprentice, Centuries, Gorta, Wazza
Trochilidae x x
Icibalus x DatBird
TrustworthyLiberal x x
Katze Unconscious Unconscious
Italy x x
Centuries Arboretum Amelia, Apprentice, Gorta, Wazza
ATNoName x x
Apprentice Arboretum Amelia, Centuries, Gorta, Wazza
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That’s a good question considering the only room available for TL’s talent is the Chemistry Institute, yet they keep claiming to be the Ultimate ???

That case could easily hide smoke bombs and kunais

I have no clue about the smoke bombs nor if Insanity was the one who gave the evidence.

@ATNoName you were there. At what time did you see the smokes go off?

Did you forget we attempt to cover the door?

Why did you attempt to close the door?w

Surely something must have been leaking out of it, smoke to be more specific

That doesn’t matter, you still know the time at which there was smoke in the room, therefore the smoke bombs had just recently been activated.

If it had been recently activate I could only assume it was when PKR died, since I was temporarily not at the lab at that time.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but the people in the castle noticed the smoke bombs going off, right?
That’s how we know they existed.

As in, there’s no physical trace of the smoke bombs, but we saw the smoke from them so we know they existed. Therefore, we can place the rough time the bombs went off.

To keep it a secret, I didn’t know what was going on nor do I know someone had already looted the room

When apparently mat beats smokes since we didn’t see it until after I uncovered it

I could only give you a time window which was 11:00 EST to 11:15 EST

ATNoName, I’ve noticed a contradiction.