Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

That’s all I need.

Why didn’t you see CRich enter the lab?

me and CRich entered the lab the second time together although CRich probably went ahead of me

Insanity places PKR’s Time of Death at 11:08 EST.
This proves something very important, actually.

Since we know that PKR was concious at the time of death, we therefore know that there are two possibilities:

  • The smoke bombs went off BEFORE 11:08 EST, and do not cause unconciousness.
  • The smoke bombs went off AFTER 11:08 EST

Now, why would the killer set off smoke bombs after killing their victim? Surely that would attract attention to the lab, and thus drastically shorten the time before the body’d discovery.

But that’s a contradiction with the evidence.

CRich’s murder began 12 minutes after PKR bled out and exactly 30 minutes after his murder began.

Which means the murderer either didn’t intend on killing both, or CRich only arrived after the murder had already began and thus the murderer killed him also. There’s no way he could’ve been in the same room as the murderer and allowed it to happen.

And don’t try to say that the killer made CRich unconscious as that would be a murder trigger start.

Ah, wait.
That’s right. 11:08 is when PKR bled out, not when the smoke bombs went off, but my point nonetheless stands.

but your point doesn’t say anything about the smoke bombs going off at 11:08, your point was fine lol

I mean, not when the kunai hit him. You know what I mean.

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My point is that I’m 90% sure the smoke bombs did not knock CRich unconcious, because I think it’s extremely unlikely that the killer would set off smoke bombs for… literally no reason.

I was in the lab for 5 minute before I head out which didn’t really make sense for a in-room murder

Also at that time, we didn’t know if there was a murder. It was just filled with smoke

So you were in the room when it was covered in smoke at what time, exactly?

But now you’re contradicting yourself, you said you didn’t know the time the room was covered in smoke?

I don’t know the exact time of the smoke bomb, but there is a time window I can give out

I mean
just check your DMs
you can check the timestamps

I was in the lab the second time for 11:20 EST to 11:25 EST

11:20 is after PKR died. However you claimed you heard a scream while PKR was still alive so why didn’t you look for him?

That is a point. You claim to have heard a scream… when exactly?