Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

Some people do both.

I’ll give the Mastermind till the end of prologue to claim to me in whispers. If they do I will not out them and may even work with them.

If they don’t I will spend all game mercilessly boxing them in

Pretty sure we can do either

I’m not creative enough to RP

Apprentice please I don’t want you dying this early lmao.

either is fine w/e you feel more comfortable with

the rng gods atua says to pick the white tiger idol

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Azure Dragon or looser

ahh gotcha gotcha in that case
hell yeah i’m a guy i can finally get more girls now!


Black Tortoise has prison

This is exactly why I wish to go there


I’m a girl and I wouldn’t date you if you were the last man on here.

i don’t kinkshame

and neither does atua

what a shame, you’re really missing out here

debating to become a Hibiki pfp.

not much tbh.

danganronpa pfp gang let’s go

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(The only way is the profile way)

So totem 3 you say? I personally have little prefence the totems seem quite boring after all.

How many dangan pfps can we get before chapter 1

bird is my brand i can’t change it now
as such i think Vermillion Phoenix sounds pretty cool