Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

atua says we should pick the white tiger idol
and atua is never wrong

Italy out here RPing the least interesting DR character of all time :^)


App is geyde in this game, can we make the trio again?

Kat, my friend, let’s hang out together, as friends.

i am de wnyeinw dawkneshsh pwweashe cwaim taw me taw fuwfiww mnye win cawnditiawn


Can we kill this in broad daylight

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who’s down to form a giant group of everyone who wants to kill me and have them battle it out for the honors

Well, it’s only a matter of time before one of us commits murder. If I had to guess, i’d say it will be me.

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Do not hang out with Italy

Italy is a meanie

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Not if I do it first

Or we both do it italia style

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Yay kat!

neither of you got the joke
therefore i will be killing you both

we are brothers after all uwu

brothers uwu

(I have a feeling he is not in this game just a hunch.)

gamer move
i kill myself and blame it on the anti-trochi no fun mob

hold on im gonna make a dangan pfp so i can fit in here

hes in the op, so i made a whisper with him