Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

Icibalus enters the kitchen.

Heading to bed now, ask @Moleland to transport you to the crime scene if you need it.

App enters

I’m in cafe just now btw


come back to crime scene, we need to talk looser

(and I’m gone again)

App leaves

I won’t be able to process actions for a bit. Keep thinkkmg of where you can investigate guys!!!

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App enters

Marshal enters

I’m heading back for now goodbye

App leaves

guys im

out of AP

can someone carry me back

Dat enters and drags Marshal away

Dat enters again

If only TL was here they might be able to help me

I’m back. If anyone needs actions processesd @me.

Tl enters

What is it dat

to dms
