Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

Also TL what time did u use ur ultimate?

was it before? troch died

Ah let me check

5.5 hours of time remain

Dat and TL leave

A wave of fireworks rises from the roof of the cafe and explodes.

The skyscrapers light up.

The Deadly Life Phase is up!

The ten survivors arrive at the outdoor dining area and from the floor an elevator appears. You all step in and are lead into the trial grounds.


“A trial of lies.”

“A trial of truth.”

“A trial of life.”

“A trial of death.”

“A trial of hope.”

“A trial of despair.”

All rise to the class trial. You all arrive at your podiums.

You fifteen have up to 48 hours to decide on who murdered Trochilidae. You will all vote privately in your class card and you may lock it if you wish. Once the majority has locked their votes to the point where the outcome cannot be changed then the trial will end prematurely. Once the majority condition is hit or 48 hours pass, then the outcome will be revealed.

The chosen player who gets the most vote weight will be executed. If they are not the blackened or the Mastermind then you will all be one mistrial closer to your executions. You may all begin.

You may all use the main thread now.

ok so i think everyone needs to state their whole complete alibi from all of chapter 2 up until the murder, before they do anything the more detail the better

Got to Ferris wheel at start of exploration
Search cotton candy machine and get sugar
Search the 17th car
Turn on FErris Wheel
Search the 5th car
Scream for someone to help
head to pier
Play the shooting game with marshal
Head back to ferris wheel
Take a ride up and see people
one person is in hospital, two in hotel, two in skyscraper, and im assuming you are the one in ferris wheel
check to see if anything is on ferris wheels top part: nada
two people from hotel went to pier and the hospital person went to the arcade.
get down
meet with wazza and app with marshal
Head to Cafe

Drink TLs stuff and then follow app and wazza

Arrive at bank with App and Wazza at 3:35 am September 27, 2020 3:35 AM
App left around 3:50 am
I started coughing at 3:53 am
Wazza left at 4:02 am the last time I saw anyone til the murder happened
Coughed violently at 5am
checked the receptionist desk at 2:04 pm at bank
left for the hospital at 2:08 pm wasn’t processed til 5:21 pm
there were 3 rooms to pick from and I cough at 5:21 pm
enter the patients room at 5:41 pm processed at 6:51pm and I coughed again
there’s a bed and thats it so I left towards the storage room at 7:05 pm
see weak poison and alcohol at 7:07 and grab em both at 7:08pm
put the vial into my private slot so it couldn’t be robbed and put knife back into public
Headed into office at 7:12 pm
found a computer, inspected at 7:37pm
it was on but nothing was on there
at 7:37 pm was told " You will a high fever overwhelm you."
was told it was a homescreen so I tried finding like an internet browser or any apps at 7:38 pm, but was told it was offline so I gave up
at that point I looked up on google how to cure a fever and was told drink plenty of fluids and rest
so I headed to cafeteria at 8:42 pm
told it was closed, I assumed when alice said it was closed, you just didn’t see it in main thread, but its straight up closed and u cant go in, so easy drinkables had to be found elsewhere
headed to supermarket at 8:43pm
and searched for bottled water at 8:44 pm, the stuff I also later dumped on insanity to wake em up.
found that aisle 1 would have it, so I searched there at 8:46 pm. I grabbed the bottled water, and when I did, I found some green tea and soda as well. I took the green tea at 8:49 pm as I was thinking I could boil the water and make some tea, but then realized I probably couldn’t as the cafe was closed.
Went to my bungalow while drinking water at 8:50pm for the rest part of the google cure of a fever
at 10:20 pm I still felt feverish so I chugged some water at 10:21 pm hoping to cure this shit
checked my head for fever at 10:49pm and got no feedback
then at 1:24 pm I saw that Italy and TL were talking about curing people and dead body in skyscraper (at the point i was reading it wasn’t discovered) so i headed over, not realizing that i didn’t finish catching up as by the time i submitted and finished reading the body was found and they were gone. As u can see by my post in cafe around that time
then came here at 1:26 pm or Yesterday 1:24 AM and i dont think it really matters from here

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I guess i scared everyone off, but i think getting complete alibis out of the way first would be super helpful, the more timestamps the better. I can add timestamps to the pre-TL drink fest, but atm im tired.

Please do not enter thread without em, and if you dont enter thread at all, you admit to the murder

Well, I was practically with Trochi like the whole time inside the skyscraper, trying to just plan some murder.

I didn’t have any alibi of any sort, but welp, I am not the blackened over here.

Well can you give us all your actions? And what you were doing with trochi, small tidibits would help, like trochi wanted to gut Dat and throw him off the ferris wheel

So first, after the first trial, I just went to the skyscraper and saw that Trochi is at there.

I then joked about killing her right at there as no one would expect someone to die that early after a trial.

And then we started a whisper in which I plan a murder plan that uses elevator to decapitate someone else.

Then, we decided to go up to see if there are any items that we could use for our murder plans, there, we find a file that is about the future foundation or something like that. After this, we went up to floor 56 and saw those buttons that are used to send out fire work.
I pressed the button 13 or so times, and that is why you see a lot of fireworks coming out from the top of the cafeteria.

Then, we went up to 59th floor in which it is PKR’s ultimate room, we then discovered the broadcasting system, so Trochi yelled unintelligible things in, meanwhile I just said “y’all cringe”. Then her symptoms start kicking in, in which she says that her senses are telling her that I am trying to kill her, so in order to get her trust, I let her knock me out with her rake. Then after some long hours, I woke up, and then Trochi told me that there is a voice that are telling her to kill me, then the light got turned out. I thought I was going to die there, so I told Trochi to control her murderous impulse. After that, we went down into the trap door that we discovered earlier when we investigated the podium, in which we could see two dark figures. Trochi then told me that she is going to try to find them, and then I went to sleep.

Later when I came back, I realized that the elevators are not working at all, so I was wondering where the heck could she possibly go. So I just searched for her in the dark, and when I was searching for her near the podium, I randed low with my investigation, so I dropped into the trap door and knocked myself out again.

Anyway, our elevator gulliotine is supposed to be like this - We knock someone else unconscious, then we put their neck around where the elevator door is, we call the elevator down, and viola.

It’s just extremely late for everybody in America.

4:02 am I entered the Cafeteria
4:06 am I left the Cafeteria and went into the Hospital
4:50 am I placed Apprentice into his Bungalow and never left

Next Day:

12:41 am I carried Apprentice to the Cafeteria
12:49 am I entered the Skyscraper
12:59 am I entered the Elevator
1:03 am We entered Floor 59
1:06 am I entered the Observation Deck
1:08 am I entered the Elevator
1:10 am I entered the murder floor

Done completely in your timezone.

We didn’t find anything that can temper with the elevator door though, so there is that.

one of the final destinations had a kill like that, i wanna say 2