Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

Looking back on this post

Trochi keeps asking TL for a drink
she was the one actively asking for the drink

doesn’t feel that deliberate?

murders are usually planned
would TL just
give trochi poison, publicly, because trochi aksed?

even when admitting to the murder TL said it was accidental and he didn’t know how Trochi died

Ok so this sounds really dumb but like can we cut out a dead person out of poe. Could the poisoner be PKR or am I over thinking

I don’t think insanity plays like this after poisoning trochi
I don’t actually think TL would just kill like this

trochi mentioned it being aclohol right

Yes from my memory

If TL is blackened the most likely scenario is that PKR poisoned 2 of them CH1 and TL got credit for the kills

Like that makes sense if they both were working together

Weren’t the cups produced by TL or at least had liquid poured in them by TL?

he could have like
poisoned the cups themselves???

but I don’t think it’d credit him for blackenedness

No PKR gave them to them from my memory

@Alice @Moleland can someone who died a previous chapter (and stayed dead ofc) be the blackened?

I just asked in my cc

Under what circumstances are we asking?

Essentially poisoning something chapter 1 and person drinking it chapter 2

That’s vague

if x poisoned a cup chap 1
died chap 1

y drank cup chap 2 an died

would x be blackened

But if they poisoned someone that died in a later chapter, then perhaps. But they’d have to been 100% responsible with no outside influence

How is that vague. The person 1 who poisoned something in chapter 1 died and the person 2 in chapter 2 who died from the poison. Can the blackened be person 1

so if they were poisoned

TL giving us the cups would be “outside influence” imo

I think? We can rule out pkr as the blackened then?

y would pkr do that with his claimed wincon tho