Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

to help a wildcard out, TL constantly mentioned chapter 1 that PKR was their like ride or die partner, and that PKR got them their case, and the drinks

why would TL want PKR over the confirmed agent it makes sense

ok im asking a question that might bring PKR as blackened, but we will see

I mean yeah

with TL’s behaviour early around my abils and stuff

I believe their wincon

which means the only way they blackened is if it was accidental


im trying to figure out how the outside influence works

ok so when asked they brought up a case in the games. Now i havent played the games fully. So has anyone played dangan 2 that explain


The Fifth trial

in spoilers so people who dont want to get spoiled dont

But moles answers to my knowing of the poison or not knowing of the poison the one who adminstered it would be the blackened

didn’t cent leave the game after winning


and pkr also has their own alt wincon

that is?

to see a certain player become the blackened

did he say who?

was me but it randomizes each chapter


If I recall correctly, Nagito put himself near death but didn’t die because of his insane luck. Chiaki then accidentally killed him with… a gas canister iirc? I don’t remember how she did it but that’s what killed him. She was completely unaware she killed him and was considered blackened anyway.

I might be remembering this wrong tho, its been a while

so basically,


Like chiaki

if TL poisoned trochi through PKRs poison they would be the blackened, even if they had 0 intention of doing so

as they were the one that did the kill, the only problem with this theory. Is theoretically TL should be dead

As they drank the same contents

FUCk i have 0 proof they actaully drank them

all i have is their word