Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

Swordtongue Context Here


No idea why everyone else seems horny i just wanna play among us

which idol are we going to

What has happened.

-Wispering of talents from and to some
-Vote for totem which still needs to finsns
-Marshal wants to make a speech that i suggest you avoid,.

points have been strongly made for white tiger and azure dragon

We are either going to the horny jail or going to cemetery.

i will not be avoiding marshal’s speech
on the basis that, knowing marshal, he will create a list of people who didn’t listen to his speech and will murder at least one of the people on there

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Hum you can take the negatives then pupupu
Anyway anything you really wanna say?

what the fuck do you mean by the negatives?

apparently marshal’s ultimate has…negative AoE effects

I mean if people don’t attend my speech i’m going to assume they are the mastermind / traitor and are doing it because they don’t care to live

and will trust people accordingly

Why do you think my ult specifically does that

You can go ahead and do that xD

That sounds convincing.


implying you can’t be horny and play among us

I think TL is fairly sus for trying to actively shade my attempts to share my pregame info but w/e

And why do you think that it’s almost like i am activly informing people of stuff they should be aware of

I mean your ultimate seems pretty shady, so…

But of course after i informed them of you AoE negative you an apply i must me the MM to you.
This is really fun to watch from you after all.

i think so because TL has said so multiple times