Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

I will attend your speech, but I don’t trust you as far as I can throw you

why do you think it’s my ultimate

I have a negative AoE effect ability

TL also confirmed it was tied to the graveyard so… ???

whats the problem

Negative ability = bad.


Extra bad.

I did not i said it was aplified there but of course you want people to forget that no?

i was pretty sure it was your Ultimate ability TL implied was this? could be wrong tho

unless this makes us all permanently guaranteed to die on attacks or something equally bullshit it’s probably not an ult

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I don’t know how you have this much info on me

and even more why you think i’d use my ult 24 hours in to the game

that’s stupid

“But He HaS a NeGaTiVe AoE EfFeCt UlT!!!” can be used as an argument to literally never go with me or trust me ever

it’s stupid and I’ve already told kat that it does not help me commit murder at all

ults are one shot
they’re gonna be strong

do not open this if your name is marshal

kinda sorta think that marshal is cringe

also that marshal using the AoE ability at the very start would be pretty fucking suicidal of him despite him not telling me more about it when i asked him to

at least probably

could just kill everybody in the room but looking at my ultimate ability i doubt it’s that strong

Marshal its quite easy to gather info if you know where to look.
After all we “Should” know very little about each other with out extra help no?

If you know where to ask questions then its easy to get the anwsers.

marshal knows i wouldn’t hesitate to murder him in public if he did that
we are polar opposites
he uses logic
i have zero regard for anyone’s life, especially not my own as long as i can get some vengeance

Oh marshal i don’t believe you would use it immediatly no.

But after all this is a game and games are what makes everything much much more intresting.



area of effect

Using it would be suicide, i’d just become public enemy #1

it literally cannot be “kill everyone” alice wold not include that that is directly against spirit of game

i mean im just imagining that if marshal tries to do shit in front of probably ~10 people hes just gonna get bonked for it

the issue would be figuring out who the blackened is out of the 13 people to attack him at once

fuque it’s 2:30 am trochi needs sleep yike
goodnight y’all!

Good night i should do the same sooner or later.

if this ability is powerful enough to be able to fuck over an entire crowd of people then say something TL

otherwise /shrug

Don’t skimp on sleep.