Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

I wasn’t paid and such have no reason to sell more then i already have.

marshal plays logically
i play the exact opposite of logically
that’s why he won’t use an AoE negative ability
he doesn’t want to be stabbed sixty times

if TL knows what the ability is then they should know i’d be stupid to use it so early and publicly

which is why I don’t like them trying to direct people away from my pregame info

Feels bad man for Marshal.
That Ultimate ability doesn’t seem useful at all.


i have an idea

Do know marshal i know you would not use it here.

And i wanted to see what people would say when i gave then the crumbes

i feel like that last message is going to make my idea useless

Maybe i havn’t looked

That should explain everything no Katze?
I am getting sleepy though so sleep will be SOON

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i get it

when i wake up i might check to see if it did anything but i get it

id also like to announce that i have like

a majority of the claims

i just need a few more and i can have everyone :flushed:

kat about to finish his autowin condition

benefits to claiming to me:

  • you can be a part of the gamer club
  • i won’t tell anyone what you are :flushed:

drawbacks to claiming to me:

  • ill probably make fun of your talent if it sounds dumb
  • i will make fun of you if your name is marshal

Yeah my abil that’s supposed to be my best ability is a just negative AoE ability that somebody else has immediate info on so I can’t even lie about

and the rest of my abils more or less force me to hope-side so it has barely any utility for me


did my talent sound dumb

compared to other ones, no not really

at least nothing can be more lame than the ultimate chocolatier

please eat this cake


At least I won as the Ultimate Chocolatier LUL.