Danganronpa 3 - Despair on the Ramparts - Game Over

There’s… no real reason for me to become an accomplice?

i don’t think anybody would have thought that somebody would have a fingerprints ability
it could have been used to drag the body, sure
but i don’t think the 1st part is valid

e.i we wouldn’t win

Well tbf

The first DR had an ultimate forensicist

We don’t really know how the cut or tear got there. It might not have been the dagger. And the whole reason the dagger was suspected was for the theory that it was used to carry the blanket and not get fingerprints on it. But there are other ways. There might have been some other reason the tear got there.

Thing is no one knew Eli had a check fingerprints ability until Ch2.
So the killer would have been operating under the assumption no one can check for fingerprints.

that’s fun for blackends

Is it too early to say ur probably most likely to get stabbed because of that ability?

This is true

And I’d have faith in app he didn’t do repeat talents :wowee:

i am pretty sure im going to die

unless i murder somebody first
which is perfectly possible for me

Oh I should mention that Eli was right when he pointed out I was trying to bait out the Arsonist.

but that’s offtopic

Which is what I was trying to point out no?

i thought u were accusing us

Hmm, not necessarily. But even so, the blanket is dirty enough that perhaps fingerprints can’t be retrieved well enough from it.

BTW Eli, does your ability say whether you find any fingerprints at all? It seems like while using the ability, even if you can only match to one particular person, you should still know if you retrieved any from it.

No I wasn’t able to get fingerprints off of the blanket.

So then we know that either the killer took measures to prevent fingerprints, or the blanket was too dirty.

Eli, have you told anyone about your ability before?

before i outted it in public?