Danganronpa 3 - Despair on the Ramparts - Game Over

btw if what marshal says is true
then he’s actually ultimate jester
laughing gas
get it

its a joke you dingus

So it seems some people have extra items in private slots and Marshal claims to be able to check those.

I’m sorry but you failed the vibe check. I’m actually the ultimate despair

Marshal confirmed fake af

I think GG’s just a WC. Not jester, but a WC nonetheless.

hey thats my insult u dingus

Hush, you dingus.

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I thought it would be obvious that I was joking by claiming to be a piece of paper disguised as a human


Apparently not


I mean Mastermind wants to stay in the shadows.
Like this one.

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Am just gonna end this topic.

Your win con can’t be get voted out cause of this in the OP

Huh it should show “In the Shadows” passive.

doesn’t show passives

yes. and Im fairly certain its not only ghana who has an item on them currently.

mastermind qt

No I’m a normal participant. I just have an alternate win condition in my class card


yeah i got like this big ass katana


Obviously some people will have starting items that go with their class

GGhana was one of them


I don’t trust gghana, and probably never will trust gghana.