Danganronpa 3 - Despair on the Ramparts - Game Over

At the scene of the crime was the blanket tied to the rope in any way?

Blanket was under the rope

When I asked the host, he said the blanket was wrapped around the body, and the rope was tied over the blanket around the neck.

The rope was tied over the blanket

So like?

The blanket was around his neck and was under the rope?

Yes, the blanket completely wrapped up the body I guess

Marshal, I have a question

Did you tell anyone that Alice had a blanket when you used your ability?

That’s also how the blanket actually stayed wrapped around the body while it was hanging.

Zone. Fucking zone.

Which like

sucks a lot

I thought I Told emilia too but I didn’t

I mostly did it in case I Was murdered with it so that someone else would have the clues

I didn’t really consider that it’d come to this so establishing more people with the info wasn’t my top priority

not that it helps but this post was said right after I knew she had the blanket.

I knew she was gonna kill with it and I wanted to indicate I thought the opposite


this post should be fairly clearly fake because it’s alice of all people I would always expect her to kill and also its obviously fake because I’m secretly really bad at lying

but this one I wont be mad if you don’t all get

Be honest with yourselves

How much work do you guys want to put in

If you have the option of doing less work and not feel bad about the fact
Do you?

im serious here
please be honest
not with me
with yourselves

God I remember arete saying some nerd philosophy shit in DMs like 4 months ago and I Need it but cant remember the exact context reeeeee

god what was it

I’ve spent like 10 minutes looking for it and im a zoomer so thats like 50 years ugh

coulda been in vc actually but i cant remember whatthe like wordsy things were called just I Vaguely think it would help me talk to you guys

I’m actually trying but it’s hard. It’s incredibly hard.

I’m conflicted.

The issue with me is I have questions but then I’m scared to ask everyone said questions because I don’t want to embarrass myself or look dumb

I have an opinion and that opinion is it literally makes no sense when I think about the either your or Alice killing. That’s my opinion. I literally can’t see you murdering zone. I can’t see you purposely putting yourself in a position to be debunked by a greencheck. I. Just. Don’t. See it. At the same time, there is so much pointing against Alice being the blackened and it makes NO SENSE to me. It’s probably so easy to figure out, but I’m so horrible at thinking.

I wish I was less of a person who wants to impress everyone and look like I know what I’m doing but in reality I barely know what I’m doing and I’m just actually trash at thinking and doing things by myself and that’s why for this entire game it basically took me like what, the start of the second chapter to for me to even actually make a friend of some sort and trust them? Because I just was so isolated because guess what, I don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve gotten help. Still barely know what I’m doing. I just sit here and try to understand what happened, but when there’s just so much at makes no sense it’s just.

I don’t know

I think I’ll probably just not talk much for the rest of this trial. I don’t feel like I know what I’m doing and I feel like I’m only going to confuse people more if I keep expressing my confusion

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(aka just say them I, at the very least, respect tying up ends as basic as it seems as that’s the process for solving)

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How do you expect to get better if you don’t ask questions?
There is no such thing as a bad question.


I mean its not easy because there are like 90 roadblocks to the truth but im not going to lay down and take it so its a tough choice for everyone and I was a dick and I made the stakes bigger which put pressure on everyone else which was bad of me because I didn’t really consider y’alls emotions becuase I thought i’d just get a “marshal mad so he’s spotless” but you guys were genuinely impacted by my words which I didn’t expect

but w/e

I do think you should ask the questions