Danganronpa 3 - Despair on the Ramparts - Game Over

The blanket was dirty, so I’m pretty sure that there were prints there.

Despite what you think, I am coming at this from a logical standpoint and thinking about both sides of the argument. I am stating possibilities.

Not really. I’m a Survivalist as I’ve claimed since early game. Plus fingerprint removal or evidence tampering actions would be way too damn broken this game.

Actually this is again important and 2 things i wanted to clarify


were there fingerprints on the blanket


did alice have fingerprints


So either I had to go through all of these hurdles to avoid putting fingerprints on the evidence of my murder or Marshal is lying.

Occam’s razor says Marshal is lying.

Eli could, theoretically, be wildcard or MM. It’s not an accusation. I’m not even saying it’s likely. I’m saying it’s possible.

Isn’t Eli like one of your top mm reads along with me

It’s basically a cop check that analyzes if a player touched an object any point in the game previously.

Not like when you dolts were spastically throwing flour around like rice in a wedding.

Flour sticks to fingerprints… Alice, stop insulting everyone for not having TMI on your slot and trying to solve while yelling at them to solve, thank you.

If one of the 2 people I highly read as mm was the person greenchecking ur thunderdome mate id probably be questioning them a whole fuck ton more especially because they have the main evidence against like your entire argument

Do you honestly believe that the host would allow everyone to use fingerprint scanning willy-nilly like that to solve murders? There’s a reason why only Eli could do it at a cooldown.

Eli’s ability looks like a lot more than “finger-print scanning”.

Except that Marshal is blatently trying to poison the well here by hinting Eli of being the MM.

It’s basically both of our words against him.

What’s more likely?

A) I’m the blackened and Eli is trying to cover for me as the MM and potentially outing himself when I flip either way at the end of this trial.

B) Marshal is the Blackened trying to mis-exe me, I’m a spotless, and so is Eli who legitimately had a check on me.

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Alice, most things point to Marshal. Once again, despite what you think, I am working through things logically. Please do not talk to me like I am a two-year-old. Your presumptions of my intelligence are almost as hurtful as the migraine you gave me last night.

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Effectively what Uni had in the first game.

Eli’s something of a detective. His action is realistic to be an absolute cop check as.

A) The game was not supposed to be thunderdomes so reducing the PoE by 1 is a balanced action. It was Marshal’s bad play that lowered the PoE to two people even if it made him seem more trustworthy in the beginning.

B) It’s possible to claim that you touched the evidence. Like the rope here is pretty much mine so if Eli had use the scanner on me and the rope then it could net a false positive on me. Or if I killed Zone using Marshal’s shield then it would net a false positive if he used the scanner on Marshal and the shield.

In short, it’s an absolute check and it’s only Marshal repeating “it can be faulty” and making BS scenarios that people here are still in doubt of it.

Sorry, I’m trying to shovel away all the horseshit that Marshal’s trying to put in the trial, so my tone may sound condescending here from my annoyance.

“may sound condescending”


If we have more to discuss then we can end the trial.
If nothing more is going to be done, then we should just vote.

Alice has made her case… and Marsh has said his too somewhat.

I already locked in my vote. The trial will be over if it’s outcome cannot be changed due to vote locking.

I just hope that people here aren’t dumb enough to execute the greenchecked player this trial over Marshal’s bull.

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I mean we’ve seen stupid stuff such as executing the retributionist who was about to resurrect the confirmed townie no?