Danganronpa 3 - Despair on the Ramparts - Game Over

I understand that… and no matter the outcome, I hope you both get an… alright outcome.
The blackened punished and the victor survives with us.

I do not want a spotless punished… and for the blackened to escape.

Silence has fallen on Ishiyama, or at least, her player

The Italy execution was completely nonsensical.

Dude could not have been in the skyscraper when Trochi died because of the outage, nor could he have poisoned her as he had no poison anywhere to be found.

Not to mention Italy promised to resurrect a player. Why jeopardise that by becoming blackened?

yes but it’s still not super likely he outs himself just for 1 mistrial so it’s not something I’m banking on.

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Then why do you think he outed the green check on me?

You guys just have to trust me

I can’t work through the fingerprints

I don’t have a definitive explination
I don’t have a gotcha

I don’t have the key, I can’t just say “this is it”

It’s unknown, I have to accept that.

But I’ve said all I can about why it’s not me
I’ve given my heart, my mind, and my thoughts.

I’ve poured it all in
I can still help if I need it

But in the end it’s not definitive, It’s not something that can so easily be solved be done.

This 1 stupid fucking fingerprint thing is a block in the road that i don’t have an explination for
it’s a block on the path of life

I can’t explain it
I just ask you guys to trust me

Alice is and has been playing this like an argument. Just a back and forth using her fancy buzzwords to convince you.

But it isn’t an argument. It’s a conversation, a discussion, as much as can be conveyed via text to get it right.

It’s two entirely different approaches and I might not win because mechanically I just can’t explain 1 thing. And I can’t do any more to get your trust

You just have to use all of the information in front of you to make your choices

Except that the lack of fingerprints on the blanket is a smoking gun that you lied to get me mis-exed.

My story that I never had the blanket clicks with the evidence we have, yours does not. If you’re actually not the Blackened, then why the fuck would you lie like this in a trial?

I’m trying to see from y’alls perspective

I want to know what can help convince you.

You guys are playing this like a puzzle with specific pieces and think that you can just find all of them and win. Is that it?

The game by design cannot be like that. The Danganronpa Franchise itself is, it’s meant to lead you to the same conclusion and always winning.

This isn’t

It’s up in air

I feel like I’ve done everything I can, everything right, and there’s just a bottleneck of that 1 stupid fingerprint thing.

I might just ask you all to ignore it. Just ignore it. You guys won’t, I know, it’s “evidence” or whatever and that’s how you operate

But taking a step back you have to look at the whole bottle, not the fucking neck. I can’t explain it, there is an explanation but there is no way to obtain it now.

I’m trying way too hard at this point and that’s whatever, if I go down at least it’s not “on me”. But that doesn’t matter, even.


Alice, to me, is so clearly processed, so clearly repeating the same canned lines and canned responses whereas I’m being myself, raw, doing all I can to work through this and i’m having trouble empathizing and not understanding how you can’t see my core when it’s entirely ungaurded.


idk how to end this post bye


it’s all out there

You guys can ask me anything and I’ll give it. I’ve given all I know about this game and all I feel about this game.

I’m interested in what is asked.

Alice is going to stay on her plane. Call this “AtE” or whatever, and give a canned response about how it’s obviously me because of fingerprints or something. And it might work, because most of you are on that plane, and on that plane I simply look worse.

Idk how to get you guys onto my mindset
idk if any of you are willing because you don’t understand

Just take a step back

look at it from a birdseye view

the tickets to the sky are suprisingly cheap if you know where to look

Look at everything. Not as just “beep boop this is what game man says, game man says game things and I do game things so beep boop vote marshal”

Ponder it
Think how you feel
Think how it looks

Try to look inside of everything you see
Not just at what’s in front of you

You can’t ignore evidence like this. The crux of your argument that I’m the Blackened is that I had the blanket in my private slot. Eli’s account confirms that this is a lie as I have denied as well. You simply cannot explain why I’m the Blackened without the blanket, so your entire case falls apart.

I’m in my wolf meta for a good reason. I don’t need to solve here as you’ve outed by pushing my execution on a blatantly false premise. So I just need to get you executed in order to correctly solve this trial. Since people here can’t see how obvious of a wolf you are, I’m going full-into my powerwolfing meta and thus I’ve simply been transparent regarding my agenda pushing.

Again, I don’t need to solve as you’ve outed from my perspective as I know that the blanket story is a complete fabrication, I just need to convince others to vote you with me.

I don’t know if i’m getting through
I’ll try to put it in a not weirdo way

Just look at all points of the investigation and decide what weight they carry. I say all points, I mean all points. There’s a lot of information, don’t think about what’s easiest, don’t think about who’s to “blame” if you are wrong, if you say “well i’ll vote marshal and blame eli if it’s wrong”, you are to blame, not him, because that’s just not dilligence.

Take it all in, think about it not just mechanically but mentally
Decide what weight it all means to you

And then make your choice, or talk it out, or whatever.

But right now your view is so shallow because you can’t put aside the thin veil that the fingerprints provide.

Do you want to talk about the rest of the bottle?

As in how you were the last person seen with Zone?

Or how the blanket also matches your needs as you’d need something to drag Zone to the Library while I couldnt?

Idk man

maybe somebody will understand

please just try to understand my last few posts

that’s all I ask

Play your puzzle alice

and pray those alongside you don’t realize they are in prison, and the natural beauty of everything lies right beyond the door

Maybe plato wasn’t crazy

or maybe I am

Is this how he felt? Just on a minor scale? Have I been doing it all wrong all along? All deduction, all games, have I been playing a puzzle where I never put it together in time becuase it’s so easy for people to just hide the peices.

Maybe. Maybe. Maybe.
I am excited for time to pass and for me to find out

It’s a game and I ruined my own fun

oh well

I’ll forget it eventually

Marshal: Playing with Alice sucks because she overuses AtE when gets cornered.

Marshal this Match:

I’ve ascended

it’s not AtE

Emotion doesn’t exist

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