Danganronpa Forum Mafia - Dead Chat

I am actually really disappointed I did not roll Town this game.

No, I didnā€™t actually ISO you.

I was actually disappointed I didnā€™t roll scum, looking to improve my game there.

Well I am sad that I did Kyo, sucks for us

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Wait, so none of scumchat talked about it either?

I overinflate my importance, meh.

Nope. Donā€™t believe so.

The next time, Iā€™ll post it every 10 posts I guessā€¦

I actually feel like I was more towny than scum this game.
I contributed a bit lol.
The AI post on Arete was true, itā€™s just it was more towny than scum so I decided to reveal it.

Alright Iā€™m going to peace out, have fun deadchatting guys

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I wish I had something to do though lol

Tell me Marshal is gonna kill Pillica now.

Eevee, why did you randomly phase me out of Treasurer position?

You did good sol

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Most of this town was abysmal.
I love that word.

X to doubt

Half of the people who use ā€˜X to doubtā€™ donā€™t even know where it originates from.

Do you @Emilia

There is also secret 1% who donā€™t fit into either of those categories

Using a meta defense doesnā€™t work with a lot of new players. At least you tried harder than a lot of others.