Danganronpa - Spec/Dead/Victor Chat

has someone died yet

not that i know of

Nope, theyā€™re all just exploring.

you give them so much incentive to kill and they just waddle around like theyā€™re all friends


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whatā€™s in the chest?

Originally there was strong venom that Jane took, then he put a paint brush and pink paint on it and gave to Sulit.

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i think sulit is happier with that than the venom anyway

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Well, fuck me.

I put in a lot of hand-crafted lore around this game involving unethical human experimentation, a cloning project, and an abandoned research facility.

So from how other chats are going, people here donā€™t want to kill because they want to stay in the game to find out more about the lore.

Come for the murder, stay for the worldbuilding, I suppose.


iā€™d be hella flattered
people love your hosting/design

i want more death but
thats cute

time to host VLDR2 with no worldbuilding at all, only box rooms with no life to them


now I want to hear about the lore

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So far Iā€™ve been dropping snippets of the lore around the map. Hereā€™s what everyoneā€™s found so far.

The book is about a geneticist called Dr. Sho Kitashirakawa. The book tells you about his breakthrough in cloning and gene editing technology and the aforementioned controversy about it.

Ultimately it looks like he was assassinated but before dying he founded a biology research laboratory called the Kitashirakawa Somatology Research Institute, or KSRI.

School Roster.


E-mail to Doctor Gento

Dear Dr. Gento.

Unfortunately we must close down our experimentation in our sector. The Board of Ethics from Kyoto came over last week and letā€™s just say that we sugarcoated a bit too much how our experimentation was being conducted. We are transferring much of the research to your sector.

The Kitashirakawa Leap

The Kitashirakaw Leap was the name given to the multiple advances in genetics, cloning, and bioengineer made by Dr. Sho Kitashirakawa, the Ultimate Geneticist. Much of his advances allowed better and cheaper gene editing while allowing humanity to create enhanced cloning technology. This lead to the creation of Project #108.

Funds for the Institute

The Kitashirakawa Somatology Research Institute was mostly funded via grants by the Japanese government, however as time went on the government began getting more hesitant to fund the institute due to it venturing into grayer and grayer areas of bioethics. Ultimately the government ceased all grants to the institute and the researchers turned into private entities for their funding.

Project #108

Project #108, or the Genetic Readjustment and Replication Project, was a highly successful experiment by the Kitashirakawa Somatology Research Institute that revolutionized cloning technology. It successfully replicated a living organismā€™s DNA while at the same time allowing it to be easily modifiable. However due to the ethics controversy behind it and potential consequences it was shut down by the Board of Ethics and later all records of it were seized by the Japanese government.

The Implications of Project #108

Project #108 was a wide-scale cloning project organized by the Kitashirakawa Somatology Research Institute. It was due to the backlash from this project that the Japanese government stopped funding the Institute and as a result the researchers looked for their grants in the private sector. This resulted in a rapid decay in standards regarding bioethics as the corporations wanted profits without worrying about the consequences from the KSRIā€™s experimentation. Project #108 eventually led indirectly to the death of the Instituteā€™s headmaster, Dr. Sho Kitashirakawa, and led on to the foundation of the Genesis Experiment.

The Faulty Subject

Usually considered to be a failure of the Genesis Experiment, the Faulty Subject has constant amnesia and cannot remember themselves being the Ultimate Serial Killer. While they look harmless and incompetent at first if they end up remembering their own talent then that is a sure sign of danger. Ultimately the Kitashirakawa Somatology Research Institute plans on reorganizing their neural structure so they can at least become a functional member of society.

Subject #12 - Hunter

Highly adept with ranged weaponry and deadly and precise, she has been one of the best results so far when it comes to creating the optimal soldier. Her mood issues have been fixed with recent neuroengineering without any issues at all. In accordance with the agreement between Hopeā€™s Peak Academy and the Kitashirakawa Somatology Research Institute weā€™re transferring her there in order for them to study the fruits of the Genesis Experiment, and weā€™ve given her the title of ā€œthe Ultimate Hunter.ā€

The Genesis Insurgent

After finalizing our fifteen main subjects from the Genesis Project, we attempted to create a sixteenth more audacious and more powerful subject than before. Our experiment went horribly right. This new subject absolutely destroyed our laboratory and could not be stopped. We attempted to put it down, but nothing that we tried worked. Several of our researchers were killed in the process and the Kitashirakawa Somatology Research Institute was burned down by Subject #16.


youā€™ve written more flavor in each one of those quote boxes than ive written for every game ive hosted combined

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so which one is the Ultimate Serial Killer

Italy. And heā€™s pretty open about killing people.

Go figure.


ā€¦also why is nobody a corpse yet?


surprising absolutely nobody

italy yet again has a gun

maybe introduce private motives?

something like certain players get a bonus or whatnot

because its a standoff now, but if threes players got a motive or a weapon or went insane or let the mastermind do the first kill or there was some sort of smoke? cover somewhere maybe people will start shanking

or just call them all nerds in main chat

arete isnt playing