Danganronpa - Spec/Dead/Victor Chat

One of the two relatively competent characters in the first game.
Not surprised :^)

That’s if you base them in terms of quality. I wouldn’t say one game is better than another. I will say that I like one game better because of XYZ though.

I still enjoyed Danganronpa though and I liked the suspense.

No nerd, I meant DR2 is better than the first game.

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Yeah intelligence is a big factor and I really despise characters who are over-the-top idiotic.

Kyoko and Edgeworth are my favorite characters for DR/Ace Attorney, and I liked them because they are intelligent, logical, and also have good character development.


Byakuya is number 2

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I liked Junko.

Celeste was cool until like 1-3.

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Also weren’t we meant to have Arete here? I remember them signing up as spectator.


these are all the new specs

dont let chloe in here she has cooties

I bet Cent will be fun to spectate with too

simon out there knowing where the secret passage is but still trying to argue it could be in hallways

what a gamer move


do the specs get to know what happened

if not then at least we can be hyped that this is finally happening

bounce bounce

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Who’s the Mastermind? Do we know that?

Mole is

ey it started

(other specs should probably be invited soon)

oh everyone flavor names are revealed

zone is trying to use this arent they

Aside from Arete who are the other specs?